donderdag 9 maart 2017

Illkirch 15:02 Prey transfer

Illkirch 13:16 Prey transfer

De Mortel 18:57 Prey transfer

Eindhoven Catharinakerk 19:16 2nd egg

De Mortel mating

Alphen aan de Rijn 10:58 Male

De Mortel mating

Kingston 10:06 Prey transfer

De Mortel mating

De Mortel 9:51 Male & Female

Temporary solution, recorded with the plugin DownloadHelper for Firefox. But I'm not satisfied with the result, there's something wrong with the sound.

There's a better technique, recording with ffmpeg. I only need to implement it in my recording software MaxRecorder, it's not ready yet.

Illkirch 6:30 Prey transfer

Columbus Ohio 17:42 Male & Female

Manchester NH 14:42 Male & Female